Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I find this local weapon in Lindi, it is commonly used by kids to hunt birds and the likes. It is made from used condoms! It is terrible, but still it happen. Proper disposal of these gadgets is highly advised otherwise will fall to hands of the creative kids like these ones.


The road is under construction; to any level of expertism it has taken too long to be completed. Along the road vehicles, drivers and passengers are suffering don't forget high costs of goods transportation to southern regions. This makes cost of living in these regions to be high especially for all industrial materials. Physical work progress is very little and sometimes zero progress. A suffering vehicle passing just in front of an asphalt mixing plant at Muholo. The plant has been installed there about four month now, nothing has been produced out of it. I can conclude that this is ARI ZAIDI!


Hapa ni maunganikio ya barabara ya Kilwa iliyojengwa na Kajima na ile ya zamani kuelekea mikoa ya kusini, panaitwa Mbagala Rangitatu. Ninatumia sana njia hii kwa safari zangu za Dar es Salaam kwenda Mtwara. Ukiwa unatokea kusini, sehemu hii inakera! Waweza tumia mmasaa mawili hadi matatu kabla ya kuvuka hapa, ni pabovu kuliko Somanga - Ndundu. Kuna halmashauri ya Manispaa ya Temeke pamoja na Mbunge wa kigamboni nyote mnatukera! Mnakera kwa sababu nyie ni wababaishaji, kipande cha meta 100 hakiwezi kukwamisha watu kwa masaa mengi namna hii. Hebu fikiria wewe ni askari wa usalama barabarani na hapo unatakiwa uongoze magari, unatakiwa kuvaa unifomu gani? Mnakera!


Ni machweo hapa Slipway Hotel, Dar es Salaam, mandhari nzuri ya jua linalozama mara nyingi hutazamwa na vijana hasa hasa katika uchumba wao ama siku za mwanzo za ndoa. Agharab kuangaliwa na wazee - hasa wa Kizungu, wao hupendelea kuangalia Mawio kwa vile huwakumbusha ujana wao na pia huashiria uwepo wa nguvu mpya!


Ukienda Roma fanya kamma Warumi wanavyofanya! Hii ni nahau, kwa hapa imetumiwa na wageni hawa (Wawekezaji) nadhani baada ya kuona huu utaratibu umeendelezwa hapa nchini. Ni uvunjifu wa sheria tuu, ni hapa Tanzania ti ndiyo wanafanya hivyo sina uhakika kama wanaweza kufanya wakiwa nchini mwao (sifahamu uraia wao). Picha hii niliipiga wakiwa maeneo ya Tegeta Ununio - mashambw ya chumvi. Kwa namna yoyote haikubaliki, ni kukiuka sheria kulikozidi kiwango.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I took these pictures when I visited Serengeti national park at the end of last year 2010. Plumes of dusts can be seen being produced by running vehicles, this was when I was approaching Naabi gate (Naabi hill can be seen). Soil sample displacement is taking place every time through diposition of dusts and transportation of murram from different murram pits located within the park. This has great impact on enviromnent as well as visibility. Let us rethink on this before we disregard the highway!


"The forty mile road through the Serengeti will adversely affect the fragile ecosystem" Arusha Times of 18 December, 2010 reports efforts are underway by NGO to stop goverment move of building a 40 miles road through the Serengeti National Park. The NGO request an injuction stopping the proposed Arusha - Msoma highway.
It is a research question! I call on different professionals to contribute on this issue as it cut accross so many disciplines before we can make a conclusion. I'm not in a position to rule out who is right in whether to proceed or not to proceed with the construction of the road but i'm optimistic! Serengeti National park has more than 1500km of existing road network of gravel and earth roads dominant in it. Still vehicles are criss crossing within these passageways, with a stretch of about 200km across the park carrying havy load traffic. All these motor cades have their impacts on the system arleady, human settlement have great impact, re introduction of animal species and population growth on the parks neighbourhood especially on the western part of the park. Enviromentalists can establish the amount of dusts being generated per day and hence per year, what are the impacts and outcomes of it over time.
Taking consideration on overhead costs (before and after cinstruction) and of all issues impact of this situation to the people of eastern shore of lake Victoria Serengeti, Musoma, Magu, Bunda and Tarime. The long route through central corridor have big impact on goods comming from Arusha, Tanga and Dar es Salaam and vise versa. Let us close hands and think about resolving this case of our times optimistically. Following slides will show some evidence on dusts being generated by vehicles


Loneliness is a phenomena of being alone, solitude. In the Serengeti loneliness can be observed, surrounded by sea of grass an accacia tree is seen isolated. A pair of zebra also lonely but observing security - 180 degree each have to cover!


Entering Serengeti through western corridor you are likely to encounter these resources in their natural habitat. Ostrich, a foraging girafe and fantastic egyptian geese. The photo for geese was taken on the banks of Kirawira river, one of attractive tourist sink along the corridor.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


At Nangurukuru - a junction to Liwale and Kilwa Masoko there is a weigh bridge run by the Ministry of Works. Just behind the weigh bridge there is a huge yard of used construction equipments, I have been told that it also belong to the same Ministry.
I propose, it is shame for letting those scraps to remain in the area for such a long time. They are not needed by the ministry (may be!) but before they are absolete zero value (if not!) they can be auctioned to private enterprises for further use. The same grave yard of construction equipments can be seen along the same road - at Mkuranga. It is possible to sell them now rather than waiting for them to decay completelly - it is my observation anyway as may be they are looking for ministrial valuers to complete their evaluation followed by assets managers to delete from goverment list!


My long trip begin by visiting Kilwa, in there I found good and funny things to share with you. A simple deck for vessels to dock on it together with its blue and deep see. Adjucent to entrance to the port there is an internationally recognized hotel - the Sheraton, before departure to deep see one have to visit the hotel.
In Kilwa Kivinje, a delapilating houses was seen. Of all the thing an Arsenal in front of one building was evident.


I'm sorry for being unable to post any event for sometimes now. I had a long end of the year vacation which took me to Kahama, Mwanza, Musoma, Serengeti, Ngorongoro and Arusha. I promiss ypu to provide photo on some of events I encountered while enroute.