Thursday, January 6, 2011


At Nangurukuru - a junction to Liwale and Kilwa Masoko there is a weigh bridge run by the Ministry of Works. Just behind the weigh bridge there is a huge yard of used construction equipments, I have been told that it also belong to the same Ministry.
I propose, it is shame for letting those scraps to remain in the area for such a long time. They are not needed by the ministry (may be!) but before they are absolete zero value (if not!) they can be auctioned to private enterprises for further use. The same grave yard of construction equipments can be seen along the same road - at Mkuranga. It is possible to sell them now rather than waiting for them to decay completelly - it is my observation anyway as may be they are looking for ministrial valuers to complete their evaluation followed by assets managers to delete from goverment list!

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