Wednesday, October 27, 2010


We lost the game, but something has to be learned and experienced from tha particular game. For those who attended they can remember a Super Sport cameraman, to me that guy was a man of a match. One hand held camera was enough to cover most events in the game and for those who were watching through their Tv even failed to know that there was one camera moving around let alone the fixed one. It is a lesson to most of our journalists/cameraman for our local Tv stations. I expected this to be reported in the news but not yet, the guy has to run, take photo to every event in the pitch. He covered same distance like players, our photographers have to learn out on this committment!


Hapa ni mahali yalipo makaburi ya mashujaa, wapiganaji wa Kitanzania waliopoteza uhai wao huko Msumbiji na miili yao kusafirishwa na kuzikwa upya. Ni maeneo jirani na barabara ya Mtwara - Newala karibu na Naliendele.


It is Masasi wher the great Mtwara - Mbababay road passes, along the road you will encounter beatful landcscapes to remember. You will also cross Michiga a.k.a Michigan, it is the area well placed for geographical tourism. I like it!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


This is 26 Garden Avenue where NEC offices are located. Publicly this is an important office but, why does it look like a fogotten building? I always think that, the first impression is the right impression! Looking at the state of the building, you can generate your impression!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


It is now very confortable to travel on this central corridor. One can remember the difficulties we encountered along this route, it is Sukamahela cross where the road was terrible. Round about at Manyoni, very promissing!


The road transect through Bahi district - Niger of Tanzania (due to recent discoveries of Uranium deposits). Along the road, there is a long lines of white bags of baobab nuts (ubuyu - a vitamin C reach powder!). I think there is huge market somewhere for these. Can the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security include this as another cash crop in its crop inventory? I think currently it generates income to the people before they begin earning some money from Uranium! At the far can be seen a district head quarters for Bahi.


I used to be in Morogoro oftenly. Photos shows deforestrated Mt. Uruguru and Msamvu round about. What is going on this factory once called Moprocco? I had my Industrial training (PT for those from FOE) here during my undergraduate studies in engineering early 90s. I'm sure to tell that, this was the best edible oil plant in Tanzania. With its brand new double refinery plant, don't think of what is being written on todays tin of oils. It was a plant my dear, ask Eng. Komba - nowwith Temdo, Dr. John Mbogoma - now with NARCO! What happened or what is going on this factory? Someone to tell us.


At the very begining of my safari to Dodoma I encountered a serious problem regarding work place safety. Huge billboard was on its installation, I was worried on the danger possed to installers - very young guys. With no any safety gears like hard cap, safety belt and even overall to wear, they were in danger! Thank God no accident happened and the work completed. It is not proper, contractors particularly in this bussiness makes money they have to look upon these poor, cheap guys especially on their safety. I'm sure they do not have any contract with the owners!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


First and foremost I appologise for being silent for long time. I was away up contry for my leave. The trip took me to Dodoma, Tabora, Kahama, Shinyanga, Mwanza, manyara, Arusha and back to Dsm.
I asure you thet I'm back and I will be furnishing you with photos reflecting what I have experienced in this long trip. The trip covers most areas I used to work previously in the North part of Tanzania as well as lake zone where I originate.
I promis you to enjoy the experience! Pictures are comming soon.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Form Six Tambaza students (1991. In the list I can remember Duncan (US), Bushuru (Dsm), Ibambasi Mabuga (Tabora?),Musa Samizi (dicesed), Musa Mhando (Dar),Jafar Liana (Dar?), Ramadhan Said (diceased), Gidion Fue(?), Roman Valentin (Dar?), Stephen Matemba (?), Nolelo Fidelis (Dar), Emma Mbise(US?), Merick Nzungu(AUST?), Ben (?) Maselle and Mbarouk. Do you remember teacher Petro? Mush - the Head Master? In brackets are the places where those guys leave - ? indicates being not sure.


The era of Mkapa and PPF Towers to dominate the sky of Dar is culminating. The ongoing construction works just beside PPF tower is the case, these two towers at different times used to be the tallest buildings in Tanzania.


Hili ni bango la Mkandarasi wa barabara kule Shangani west - Mtwara. Kwa wenyeji, limewekwa hapo muda mrefu (zaidi ya miezi 6) bila ujenzi wowote kuendelea. Hapa nimelikuta likiwa limeanguka chini , wasamalia walilisimamisha ili niweze kupata taswira nzuri! Ujenzi huu ulisababisha kufungwa kwa kituo cha daladala cha Kambarage, sijui watumiaji wa kituo hiki imewagharimu kiasi gani kwa muda wote ili kufikia kilipo kituo kipya? TAFAKARI!!


Hili ni banda la biashara, lipo pembeni mwa barabara ya Mingoyo Mtwara katika wilaya ya Lindi vijijini. Miezi miwili iliyopita halikuwepo na wananchi hawa wauza matunda walipanga bidhaa zao kwenye meza chakavu pasipo na paa. Naweza kuona mabadiliko haya, ni hatua!! Soma pia moja ya maadishi kwenye banda hilo!


Hapa ni Mnolela, mahali ambapo ajali ya gari iliyopelekea kifo cha Sheick Suleiman Gororgosi ilitokea. Kibao hichi kimewekwa katika eneo la tukio kama kinavyosomeka.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Downtown Newala, ongoing road construction to upgrade to tarmac. Conglatulations to responsible authorities. But! My concern is on road diversions, literaly there is no guided and/ or temporary diversion either. Traveler have to find his way to make through, sometimes ending up into someone's house. The contractor is obliged to provide right of way to travellers, not all travellers are resident of Newala hence road signage must be in place.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


In our homes, we create waste. Some of the waste is what is termed "gray water"--from our sinks, bathtubs, showers and washing machines (if we use biodegradable soaps) and this waste can be recycled to be used to water the grass and plants. Much of the waste is biological, sanitary waste, coming from our toilets and garbage disposals. In the absence of a functioning government run and maintained sewer system, this waste is traditionally vacated into a large tank dug into the ground somewhere within 10 or so feet from the house. This is called a septic tank.

The Workings of the Tank
A septic tank is a large holding tank where human waste can decompose into component parts so the recyclable portions can be returned to nature and the environmentally dangerous parts can be pumped away and carted off. The septic system is comprised of three parts: the tank, the distribution box and the leach field. The biological waste runs from the house into the tank, there it separates naturally into water, gases and undigested material. The gases will eventually vent into the atmosphere as part of the septic tank's plumbing system. The undigested material separates into "sludge" which drops to the bottom of the tank and "scum" which floats to the top. Both the sludge and the scum are surrounded by baffled walls in the tank to prevent them from leaching into the surrounding environment. Between the sludge and the scum is the relatively clear water which is filtered, through a series of perforated pipes, to the distribution box and ultimately to the leach field, which is an area of ground around the tank that can absorb the liquid. When the tank fills to capacity, the sludge is pumped out by a truck with a huge vacuum cleaning device, and hauled away to be properly disposed of.

The leach field should be at least 100 feet away from your or your neighbor's well. As a general rule, the field should not be up-slope from a well and ought to be at least 100 feet from the high water mark of a pond or river. No part of the system should be under a porch or a driveway, and heavy vehicles should not be driven over any part of the system. There is a capped pipe sticking up from the tank somewhere about 10 feet from the house. By removing the cap and checking the level of the liquid within, you can ascertain whether you need to pump. It is not a good idea to wait too long.


Better to use water adequatelly. Poly pipe is leaking water in a place where accessess to piped water is minimal. A woman is collecting water from cut a piece of a could be distribution line to the public at large. It was not clear wheater it was a subortage or not. Plent of water being lost per given time since it was cut! Others are suffering while others are enjoying!!


New buildings undre construction in downtown Mtwara. Great to see this!


There are two talents here to be seen, there is a boxer at your right and a footboller at your left. I met these friends of mine at Lilido - Kitere in Mtwara rural.


Potential Energy (PE)is always refered as an energy due to position. It can be calculated by using the following equation:-
PE = mgh
Where m = mass (in kg) of an object/substance placed at a height h (in meters).
g = downward force due to gravity (in meters per second per second).
h = height from the ground (in meters) at which the object is placed.
Assume the weight of an object being lifted to height h is 50kg, the value for g is constant at 9.81 meters per sec per sec.

Suppose we have two people at two different height 1.50m and 1.85m respectivelly; my question is who is carrying big load? Which height has an advantage as far as lifting height is concerned?


Water source I'm talking about is Mitema. A steep slope here leads you to a famous water source of Mitema. Overlooking the valley is Kitangali Teachers Training Collage. Up and down here can be seen man and woman cris crossing in search of water daily. It can be seen clearly that it is not well protected, for those who travel less the source is in Kitangali - Newala district. It operates under Makonde water supply.


Attending training at Kunduchi beach Hotel, a training for EWURA Regional Consuner Consultative Council. Seen here are the members for Mtwara and Lindi respectivelly. I represent Mtwara region


I was among the football fans attended the match between Taifa Stars and The Brazilian national team at the National stadium. Seen in the photo with my relatives.

Monday, July 5, 2010


Hapa ni Darajani - Nangoo, mtoni pia yaweza kuwa ni bafu! Kuna utaratibu usio rasmi kwamba jinsia zimegawana upande wa mto kwa ajili ya matumizi haya. Zingatia usalama wa vyanzo vya maji!

Thursday, July 1, 2010


On my way Lindi - Milola - Lindi I find this esteemed office, I thouught it was an American embassy right at the Centre of Ng'apa village!!


As discending from Mtanda area of Lindi Municipal, a beautiful scene is seen. The red roof tiles are the Sokoine Refferal hospital buildings. Beautiful blue color of the sea - same as color of the sky!