Wednesday, October 27, 2010


We lost the game, but something has to be learned and experienced from tha particular game. For those who attended they can remember a Super Sport cameraman, to me that guy was a man of a match. One hand held camera was enough to cover most events in the game and for those who were watching through their Tv even failed to know that there was one camera moving around let alone the fixed one. It is a lesson to most of our journalists/cameraman for our local Tv stations. I expected this to be reported in the news but not yet, the guy has to run, take photo to every event in the pitch. He covered same distance like players, our photographers have to learn out on this committment!


Hapa ni mahali yalipo makaburi ya mashujaa, wapiganaji wa Kitanzania waliopoteza uhai wao huko Msumbiji na miili yao kusafirishwa na kuzikwa upya. Ni maeneo jirani na barabara ya Mtwara - Newala karibu na Naliendele.


It is Masasi wher the great Mtwara - Mbababay road passes, along the road you will encounter beatful landcscapes to remember. You will also cross Michiga a.k.a Michigan, it is the area well placed for geographical tourism. I like it!